Thursday, January 17, 2013

I felt I had to share this blog post. It's well a written, entertaining and insightful look at the current state of politics in the United States of America by an Americanized citizen.

This particular bit struck me to the core in its philosophical accuracy:

"In the kindergarten of nations, we’re the kid with thick glasses and a book, the kid who grew up surrounded by adults and never really had a childhood.  Periodically we have to wade in and tell them they can’t play that way, because it’s against the rules and this is how it will end – and they resent us, of course, PARTICULARLY when we’re right.
(In that sense, btw, what we’re going through now is our attempt to act like the other kids, so they will like us.  It won’t work.  And it will end in tears.  And frankly, we’re starting to worry the other kids.  We’re too big and responsible to act like them.)"

So, do yourself a favor and go visit Sarah A. Hoyt's post
from her blog

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