Thursday, January 10, 2013

Watch out World... I'm Published!

After a whirlwind marathon of editing, formatting, rewrites and searching for just the right cover art, I've finally gotten my first book published.  It's a collection fo short stories, essays and a novella.  It's an eclectic menagerie of various writing styles and genre's so I hope that there will be something within that most people can relate to and enjoy.  It's not Homer or Michener or even Bill Bryson, but it's mine. I wrote it. I edited it, I formatted it and I self-published it.  Eric Schumacher did the cover for it. Gotta give a brother his due.  At any rate, I'm hoping now that people will buy it.  It's up on amazon in the kindle .mobi format and can be found at:

For $2.99 I think that most folks can search the couch cushions and dig up enough to get their own copy.  Get to reading folks.

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