Monday, January 7, 2013

Writer's Block or Writer's Overexposure?

Anyone who knows me personally understands that I have a half a dozen writing projects in progress.  I've found that, although I know where the project is heading and how it will end, I often get stuck at a certain point and despite all efforts, can't seem to move the project forward.  For the last half of a year or more I've been working on a Criminal Minds type FBI murder mystery type novel.. I've gotten very close to the end and know how it will end up and how I will swing the twists and turns that lead to the end, but for quite a while now I've been writing and re-writing a chapter that really shouldn't be all that difficult, but I can't quite seem to get where I'm happy with it.  This has happened before and why I have multiple projects on various back burners.  I decided to re-read some of those other projects and in doing so got an idea for a fantasy novel I have in progress and BOOM! I've written four chapters in as many days, about four times what I've accomplished in the last few months. I'm very satisfied, almost ecstatic, about what I've done with this Fantasy novel and so have decided that I am not one to suffer from Writer's Block, but instead I suffer from Writer's Overexposure. After working on the crime book for so long, I just was weary of it and needed a change to get the creative juices flowing.  As such, I'll be working on the Fantasy book until I start to get bogged down.  At that point, I'll look at my other Works In Progress and either get back to the Crime book or maybe do something different like work on the Civil War novel or the CSI parody.

In the meanwhile, I am also very close to publishing a Young Adult Historical Fiction book as an ebook, probably through Amazon or the I-store.  Keep your eyes open for it, once I have the cover and the particulars down it should be hitting the virtual shelves...

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